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Overhang Calculator 600-12k Torflex Axles

Axles have specific Min and Max Overhang limits. Short overhangs may cause frame-tire interference or mounting problems.
Conversely, excessive overhang reduces axle capacity. Ensure to verify your Hub Face and Outside of Brackets measurements below.
#12 & #12T Use different mounting brackets & hole measurements (See Dexter Catalog)
#12V Uses the same mounting brackets & hole measurements as the #12
#13N Has smaller brakes, 12-1/4" X 2-1/2" drums vs. standard 12-1/4" X 3-3/8" drums
#13T Standard Spindle, No bracket zone between 10.63" - 11.25"
#13T Short Spindle, No bracket zone between 10.13" - 10.75" Triple axle installs are NOT recommended for most Torflex models
#12T, #13T & #14T Are the only models designed for triple axle applications Refer to Dexter for additional specifications

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